
Wee JavaScript program for running animated SVG Keyshape diagrams with step/run/stop buttons and HTML captions.

View the Project on GitHub davewhiteland/keyshape-diagram

KeyshapeDiagram: ksd.js


If you have…

…then this wee bit of JavaScript (KeyshapeDiagram) will add buttons so you can step/run/reset it, whilst displaying the corresponding captions.

Great for diagrams that let people figure out what’s going on in their own time!


See an example


Code: see the HTML below (or look at the source in these examples).


More detail

When you’ve exported the SVG, embed it with an <object> tag with class ksd. Add (optional) captions under the same parent. Captions must be in a single container (any tag name) with class ksd-captions. They’ll be matched against the timeline markers in the order they appear, unless you explicitly add the name of the marker it applies to with data-ksd-id (or id… but be careful because that might not be unique in the DOM you’re inserting it into).

The KeyshapeDiagram code automatically triggers a call to window.KsDiagram.init() when it loads: this detects and initialises any suitable diagrams it finds in the DOM. If you add more diagrams after this has happened, you can initialise them by calling window.KsDiagram.init() again. You can pass a scope (e.g., a fragment of the DOM) in as an argument to init() — by default, it is the whole document.

Method 1: using external files

For example, with a Keyshape animation in my-diagram.svg whose primary timeline has markers you’ve called start, middle, and end, you can embed it like this (by hauling in the .svg, .js, and .css files):

<link href="ksd.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <object class="ksd" data="my-diagram.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
  <ol class="ksd-captions">
      This is caption shown before you press
      <em>step</em> or <em>run</em>.
      This is displayed while the animation runs,
      starting from the first timeline marker to
      the next one (say, "middle").
      This caption is shown as the animation
      runs from "middle" to "end".
  <div class="ksd-no-js">
    This content is displayed if JavaScript (and hence
    animation) is not supported on this page load.
<script src="ksd.js"></script>

If the final (terminating) timeline marker is not called end, you must explicitly tell KeyshapeDiagram what it is: put a data-ksd-end-marker attribute on the <object>.

Method 1: putting things in-line

If you don’t want to use external files, you can do the same thing but have everything in-line. In some cases this might be more convenient — for example, embedding a diagram into a single page without worrying about any other setup. This means your SVG really is just an <svg> tag (not an <object>), and the external JavaScript can be the <script> tag’s inline contents, instead of loaded externally by src.

You can see some examples of this in these examples.

This was intended for use on the Moodle… but it’s turning out to be, uh, problematic.

Keyshape requirements

Keyshape is a neat little app for making SVG animations on the Mac. A key capability that this KeyshapeDiagram code is exploiting is that it lets you name the markers on the timeline: those are used as the breakpoints in the animation.

Things work fine if you export from Keyshape with JavaScript animation embedded. However, if you’re fully in control of the environment you’re deploying to, it’s probably more efficient to handle the Keyshape animation library separately. Your call.

CSS animations should work the same, provided they still respond to Keyshape’s named-markers API.

Graceful degradation

If the target browser does not support SVG — frankly very rare, these days — you can put a fall-back <img> in there.

If JavaScript isn’t enabled, the captions will be displayed in full. This is probably what you want, but if it isn’t, you can style them with regular CSS (including, if required, hiding them).

Any elements with the class ksd-no-js are hidden if JavaScript is enabled. Use these for fall-back content.

Currently the SVG diagram is displayed if JavaScript is not available; maybe that will change (depending on more data-ksd- settings?): that’s for future development.

Extra settings

Add data- attributes to the <object> element for more control:

attribute purpose
data-ksd-button-labels Customising the labels displayed on the buttons
data-ksd-layout Controlling the order of layout (buttons, diagram, captions)
data-ksd-end-marker Nominating the end-of-animation marker name (if it isn’t end)

See below for details for each of these settings.

Because you’re putting them on the <object> element containing one diagram within it, so can be different for other diagrams on the same page.

Button labels

The default labels on the buttons are step, run and stop (and reset and stopping). You can override any of these with:

data-ksd-button-labels="stop:halt, stopping: halting"

If you are generating these programmatically (e.g., an i18n build process) a JSON object in there also works, so this is equivalent:

data-ksd-button-labels='{"stop":"halt", "stopping":"halting"}'

Any labels you don’t specify remain the (English) defaults.

End of timeline

The KeyshapeDiagram code assumes the end-of-animation marker is called end. If it isn’t, add it explicitly:



The default layout is b-d-c:

…but you can change it by setting the layout with any order:


The hyphens are optional (characters other than b, c, and d are ignored).

You can change the layout further with CSS.

CSS and IDs of the elements

The components have extra classes to allow you to select them for further styling (the layout control only affects their relative order in the DOM). They also have IDs so you can manipulate them further if you want to.

Item class id
<div> containing buttons ksd-btn-block ksd-btn-block-$$$
step <button> ksd-step ksd-step-$$$
run <button> ksd-run ksd-run-$$$
stop/reset <button> ksd-stop ksd-stop-$$$
element containing captions ksd-captions ksd-captions-$$$
caption ksd-caption ksd-caption-$$$-@@@

Dev/implementation notes